Buy Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) at Best Price
You can buy Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps). Also read our Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) reviews before you decide to buy Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps). Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps). If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) Overview:
- 3 packs - 2 traps per pack
- Last 3 Months!
- Non-Toxic no pesticides
- Ready to use
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Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) Reviews
![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) I bought Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) to trap moths in both my and my wife's closets. We had a pest control company come and install the same type of trap last year and those were steadily catching 1-2 moths per month. I bought these traps to replace those put up by the company (supposed to work for 6 months) but since swapping them out, no moths!! Either the pest company brought something truly professional (secret formula?) or the Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) are no "Pro-pest". This product doesn't live up to its name at all. I'm very disappointed! ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) The first time I bought these, I had at least 3 clothes moths hovering around a trap as SOON as I opened it. So obviously it does have pheromones in it to attract them! Over the next 3 months the bottom of each trap got filled with moths. I used 2 in our walk-in closet, 1 on our dresser, and 1 in every other closet in our house, and they were pretty well filled. After 3 months I bought new traps and this time there were no hovering moths, but they still filled up over the next 3 months. I just bought more, and so far not a single moth has been seen in the traps. So, over the past 6 months, these things apparently got rid of the moths. I had tried many different things and nothing worked except this! I have bought a bunch of cedar hangers and cedar drawer liners to try to repel any new moths that might decide to visit us, but I will keep these around! ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Pro-pest Clothes Moth Trap 3 Packs (6 Traps) If you have clothes moths or you suspect you do ... place one of these in the area and within a day you'll know! I buy these 3 times a year and they always capture a lost of CLOTHES moths. If you have Pantry moths (food) these will not work. They will capture the males so will decrease their reproduction, but will not rid your home entirely of moths. You'll still need to protect your clothes and use other methods to completely rid yourself of the pest. I use these with sprays and sachets for good control |
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