Buy Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack at Best Price
You can buy Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack. Also read our Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack reviews before you decide to buy Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack Overview:
- Aromatic cedar shoe racks eliminate mildew by reducing the moisture
- Cedar Shoe racks repel all types of insects away from your shoes
- Cedar shoe racks protect your shoes and keeps them smelling fresh
- Cedar eliminates odors, insects and mildew
- Bring the freshness of outdoors into your home
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Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack Reviews
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful: ![]() By Yuki (San Francisco, CA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack (Kitchen) I purchased 4 of these through Gaiam and I'm extremely disappointed. I love cedar, but these racks are terrible. Poor quality, the wood splits during assembly, it's rickety and seems like it will fall apart, and the height between each rack is way too low. If your wear 3" heels they won't fit. Also, the cedar is really rough so it scratches my shoes. Stiletto/thin heels get caught between the slats. Horrifying if the heel's covered in really expensive materials. 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful: ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack (Kitchen) This is a nice shoe rack made from a high grade cedar. The first one I ordered came with no hardware, so I returned it for a replacement. The second one came with hardware, but one of the rear slats did not have pre-drilled holes. It was easy enough to drill out holes, but since I went 0 for 2 with this product, I would be a little wary of it. Keeps my closet smelling great though. ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Cedar Green A122 Aromatic Cedar Stackable Shoe Rack (Kitchen) Pros: Nice quality cedar with great cedar aroma. Well finished wood with few rough patches and no splinters. Straight, unwarped wood which assembles easily.Cons: Arrived with no screws or dowels. Luckily I had some #14 wood screws which worked in the pre-drilled holes. |
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